Working away building my new website

Building my new website is taking me such a long time as there are so many things to consider. What template to use to start with. I've tried several and the first two I began to use just did not look like me, they did not feel right, I just could not connect to their more formal looking layouts. They were beautiful designs but so organised, too architectural and too minimalist. I love colour and I love my creating art and it is very eclectic. I just get into the story that begins in my head and develop my work as the story rambles on.  Tonight because I was just not making my site look how I wanted it I took another look at more templates and did some research to see what other artists were using and found this one. The best thing is I can keep posting the image of my art work however and whenever I want to and rearrange them as I feel like it. Much like my studio walls really. I hope people do not mind as I know some love categories, such as all the abstract acrylic work in one gallery and all the art textiles in another, the watercolours or collage in separate files and all the landscape in a grid. I love how this portfolio allows me to mix it all up and then you can click on one and up will come the story about that work (once I add it in) this is the thing though that is so important to me about my work, every piece I create has a story. Even my photography is trying to capture a story. 

